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The Complete Kitchen Domination Training Course ($197 Value)
Kitchen Domination Checklists, Diagrams & Cheatsheets ($97 Value)
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Yours Today For Only $47!
"As a result of learning the Dynamite Doubles system, I feel my court positioning has improved, and I hit the ball with more confidence. If you want to work with an encouraging teacher who can improve your performance on the court, I strongly recommend Helle and Dynamite Doubles. "
"Before doing Dynamite Doubles, my emphasis was always, 'How do I beat my opponents?' Now I think more in terms of 'How do we beat our opponents?' That's what I like about Dynamite Doubles. It's that it's a system, Uh, you know what you should be doing and what your teammate should be doing. Focus is on the team and just not just the individual."
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